Day 1Post: A social media graphic from the toolkit to your social media profiles. Activity: Build tobacco retailer awareness and support by sharing these printable resources with retailers |
Day 2Post: Share a video from the Black Lives Black Lungs YouTube channel Activity: Host a virtual or in-person session on Bold Awareness: Tobacco’s Targeting of African Americans. (use educational information from NMS tool kit) |
Day 3Post: 70% of Africans who smoke want to quit image and link to YouTube video. Activity: Place No Menthol Sunday and smoking cessation information in your church bulletin. Encourage your congregation to support loved ones in setting May 15 as their tobacco quit date and connect them to smoking cessation support. Day 5Post: Image(s) of your congregation or organization engaging in “Bold Awareness”. Show us how you're raising awareness about menthol and its impact on Black health and Black communities. Activity: Invite your congregation or community partners to share thoughts on the Powerwall |
Day 4Post: Tobacco is Changing (Menthol and Black youth) image and Youtube Video Activity: Explore your creative side with our No Menthol Sunday Adult and Kids Coloring Books Share spoken word poems performed by our featured poets Shy and Ajamou Butler. Day 6Post: Share the Menthol cigarettes’ link to Black Americans YouTube video. Activity: Invite people to share on the Powerwall how they are fighting to the finish to end tobacco’s targeting of Black communities. |
Day 7Post: Video message from a faith leader or community stakeholder describing No Menthol Sunday and promoting community participation in No Menthol Sunday activities. Activity: Canvass your community to raise awareness on the history and harm of menthol tobacco in Black communities and to mobilize your community for action. Distribute these printable educational resources. |
Day 8Post: Share the YouTube video, Tips from a former smoker - Geri’s Story Activity: Support community members in sharing their tobacco stories and setting May 15 as their quit date. Share resources from the Wisconsin Quit Line. |
Day 9Post: Images of retailers and No Menthol Sunday signage for retailers who have agreed not to sell mentholated products on May 15. Activity: Attend the No Menthol Sunday Family Coloring Party at 1530 W. Atkinson Ave in Milwaukee, WI. Enjoy FREE food, games, fun and health services from 12 - 2:00 pm. |
About No Menthol Sunday
Join the faith community on an international observance day dedicated to educating congregants and community members about tobacco, vaping and the role of flavors like menthol.
No Menthol Sunday, an international observance day led by The Center for Black Health & Equity is an important opportunity to engage faith leaders and their communities in a discussion about how to improve health outcomes for African Americans.
Tobacco is still the number one killer of African Americans, and people of faith can play a major role in changing this. Not only do we take this day to encourage congregations and communities to support one another in escaping tobacco addiction, but we also aim to highlight the role of menthol and flavors in particular. |
Wisconsin Lt Gov Mandela Barnes
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett for No Menthol Sunday in Wisconsin
Interim Secretary Karen Timberlake for No Menthol Sunday 2021
Ajamou Butler's Victorious Poem for No Menthol Sunday 2021
Racine Mayor Cory Mason for No Menthol Sunday in Wisconsin
Shyquetta McElroy for No Menthol Sunday in Wisconsin
Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway of Madison Wisconsin for No Menthol Sunday
Bishop John Franklin White for No Menthol Sunday 2021
No Menthol Sunday 2021 Kick-Off Meeting
No Menthol Sunday 2019 Highlights
2021 Poet Laureate - Ajamou Butler and No Menthol Sunday video short
2020 Poet Laureate - La'Ketta Caldwell